JRA Conference 2023
A Review of recent developments in the field of Public Safety Psychology related to incorporating VA disability awards in preemployment evaluations, investigating correlates of COVID vaccine rejection, continued challenges with poor applicant quality, conducting CCW evaluations post-Bruen, and investigating test correlates of FTO success.
This continuing education (CE) offering is suitable for experienced public safety psychologists. The first presentation reviews the current status of addressing VA disability awards in public safety preemployment evaluations. The second presentation consists of empirical analyses investigating the test correlates of public safety employees that were terminated for refusing the COVID-19 vaccine. The third presentation addresses addresses continued struggles with poor applicant quality and the associated challenges in performing evaluations. The fourth presentation presents a brief preview of the revision to the PAI and its implications for public safety preemployment evaluations. The fifth presentation reviews new developments in the use of social media data for conducing public safety preemployment evaluations. The sixth presentation reviews recent empirical data investigating psycholgoical testign as a repdictor of FTO success. The final presentation consists of a brief workshop in which members discuss emerging topics on public safety assessment as submitted by audience members prior to the conference.
October 13, 2023 8:00AM-5:00 PM Pacific Time (including breaks)
7 CE Credits Awarded
Attendance for all 7 hours is required to receive credit
for more information:
[email protected]
Johnson, Roberts, & Associates is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Johnson, Roberts, & Associates maintains responsibility for this program and its content.